
Community-centered program design

We design and implement inclusive community outreach and education initiatives that center the most marginalized community members and build upon local partnership ecosystems.

Process mapping and improvement

We build streamlined, supportive structures around programs and processes. We balance an abundance mindset with simplicity and center the practical needs of staff and closest stakeholders.

Research and data analysis

We utilize program and publicly available data sources to identify opportunities and advise partners on programmatic decisions and equitable resource allocation.

Data collection systems design

We design surveys, applications, and reporting templates with practical information needs in mind. We prioritize shared learning, easy dissemination, and living data management.

Subject-matter expertise for nonprofit, philanthropic, and government initiatives

  • Designing and implementing Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) programs in California through:

    • Facilitating inclusive design sessions with program staff and community stakeholders

    • Identifying funding models and wrap-around support systems to maximize impact

    • Creating flexible program budgets and financial models to support multi-year initiatives

    • Advising on waiver processes and other frequently asked questions

  • Preparing for the 2030 Census through:

    • Conducting program and data analysis to understand what happened in 2020 and implications for 2030

    • Advising on funding allocations and programmatic supports needed between now and 2030

    • Providing up-to-date knowledge on current and upcoming Census initiatives such as LUCA

    • Designing comprehensive education and outreach campaigns for diverse community members

  • Improving equitable language access for organizations through:

    • Analysis of census data and other sources to understand demographic characteristics of local populations

    • Auditing of websites, marketing and communications, and other program materials to identify opportunities for better accessibility

    • Advising of campaigns and program strategies to ensure local language needs are met

  • Designing inclusive and effective campaigns though:

    • Partnering with local organizations and other community stakeholders to craft relevant and resonant messaging

    • Integrating messaging with clear calls to action according to various program phases

    • Tying issues with current events, local contexts, and other initiatives to create a cohesive message

    • Facilitating the creation of multilingual outreach collateral for distribution